Thanks for thinking about donating to keep the NoGhost mod and server alive. This server and mod were built with community in mind,
and ever since the start of this web site, our community has grown by leaps and bounds. Donating to support the server is a noble commitment to that community.
To further encourage people to donate to the server, I've decided to give private-slot passwords out to people who donate.
I've added additional private slots to all my servers, so that if the server is full and you have a password, you'll be able to get in without a wait.
Upon donating, I'll contact you directly and give you the password, which should be good for quite a while.
At this point, I pay $154.99 a month for 768KBit/sec Internet access, of which roughly 90% of that bandwidth goes towards the Quake servers and web site.
If you feel you can make a dent in this amount owed per month, no matter how small, please donate and know that you're helping our community out.
I made it a special point to sign up for a PayPal business account, so that you can donate with a credit card, if the need arises.
Once again, thanks for donating to support Quake, the NoGhost mod, and our community.